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Growth Marketing Strategy

Drive Profits and Sustained Business Growth

Understand how to move from quick hacks to long-term strategic growth marketing with this insightful and actionable guide to developing a strategy that drives growth in any economy.
EAN: 9781398618343
Edition: 1
Format: 234 x 156
240 pages

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About the book

In an era when growth marketing has become a buzzword for quick fixes, this book provides a clear roadmap for how marketers can move on from short-term hacks and utilize their full marketing funnel to gain and retain customers across any size business in any economic environment.

Growth marketing is no longer just a short-term tactical approach suitable only for start-ups and SMEs looking for easy wins. Instead, it has become a real source of long-term sustainable growth for any business, and a strategic approach that can deliver results regardless of economic environment. With marketers under pressure to consistently deliver growth in rapidly changing landscapes, this invaluable guide will provide a clear roadmap so that any marketer can develop a growth marketing strategy that delivers.

Packed full of cutting-edge insights from companies like Fujifilm, GoPro, Twitch, Disney, Amazon Grocery, Tesla and American Express, Growth Marketing Strategy gives marketers practical ways to drive their business forward, moving beyond initial organic growth to a strategy that is both sustainable and resilient to changing market conditions. From exploring how to shift the mindset of the team to long-term investment and adaptability, to how your marketing team should be best structured and resourced within your organization to allow your growth marketing team to thrive, this book takes you from the fundamentals of growth marketing to how to apply it and adapt it to any challenge your business faces.

About the authors

Rose Jia is an award-winning marketing and product leader based in the United States. She leads growth marketing at Amazon after previously working in marketing and product development at Twitch and American Express, as well as having worked as an investment banker at the start of her career at Citi. She has founded community-based platforms like RenaissanceMarketer.com, The Techseries Company, and Whiskey Me Up, been a keynote and guest speaker at major conferences like AdWeek and Marketing Offensive and appeared on podcasts including The CMO Whisperer, The CPG Guys, and Looking Outside.

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