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Kogan Page+ provides access to all Kogan Page content and textbooks through an unlimited-user ebook-first platform.
These LibGuides are designed to assist librarians, faculty and students in navigating the platform effectively. They provide comprehensive collection overviews, how-to video manuals frequently asked questions and detailed user manuals.
The KoganPage+ ebook collections consist of five ebook collections; Kogan Page Complete Collection (the entire Kogan Page library of books and textbooks), CIPD Collection, HR Ultimate Collection, Marketing Collection and Logistics Collection, providing over 1,000 titles covering key business and management topics.
Our partnership with Packt, a technology book publisher, consists of seven ebook collections offering 5,500 titles of technical learning content. The collections are designed to empower learning with technological skills and knowledge, covering topics such as artificial intelligence, data and web development.
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