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Unlimited user access to curated ebooks and textbook collections
Kogan Page+ provides access to all Kogan Page content and textbooks through an unlimited-user ebook-first platform. Designed around librarian workflows to support both students and faculty, Kogan Page+ gives institutions comprehensive collections that are cost-effective, constantly updated and accessible, on one complete platform.
Six key benefits
Comprehensive collections
All Kogan Page content is available through editorially curated collections, with unlimited institutional access to everything on one complete platform
Versatile workflows
Designed around institutional workflow to support both students and faculty to access and embed key content, as well as enabling wider research and discovery
Economical pricing
Multi-year agreements available to enable budget planning, as well as transparent pricing
Unlimited and universal user access
Seamless access through both subscription and token-based options, designed for unlimited users, all on one platform
Accessibility at its core
Supports single sign-on through Shibboleth and OpenAthens. Optimized for web access across multiple devices
Constantly updated
Includes new titles as they are released at no extra cost. Previous edition textbooks can be maintained on request and annual removals are kept to a minimum and limited to superseded titles
Explore the five ebook collections available on KoganPage+
Reasons to choose KoganPage+
For Libraries
- Unlimited and universal access for your entire institution
- Cost-effective access, with multi-year agreements available
- Access available to previous editions upon request
For Universities
- Best price for curated content
- Flexibility of financial models
- Accessibility-compliant content and platform (Gold Benetch accreditation and WCAG 2.1 compliant)
For Students
- All key content is available in one place, on one platform
- Platform designed to support undergraduate and postgraduate students, as well as researchers
- Subject-specific classifications to help readers filter and narrow down on the content they want to find
For Lecturers
- Can embed content onto VLEs and learning platforms
- All new content is available upon publication, at no extra cost
- Maintain access to old edition textbooks until you are ready to convert to the latest editions