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Human Resources, Learning & Development Books
Latest books in Human Resources, Learning & Development
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Change Management  The days of micromanaging change are over. Empowering your employees to act with agency is the most effective way to implement organizational change, creating a positive culture and boost employee wellbeing, making them more accepting of the change.
Talent Management & Recruitment, HR Analytics, Data, Analytics & Research  So many of the measures of motivation and engagement are qualitative and subjective, it’s a great place for AI to help you derive insights into your employees and create strategies for boosting performance.
Human Resource Management, Leadership, Employee Experience  Work-life balance has been replaced by work-place integration. Employees and organizations both need to develop better boundaries now that work can be done from home. This article explores what work-life integration is, how boundaries have developed and provides some tips for the workforce to better merge a work and life balance.
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Mollie Berke, Kasey Harboe Guentert  From £ 29.99
Cole Napper  From £ 29.99
Catherine Carr, Peter Hawkins  From £ 31.99
Cole Napper  From $ 38.99