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Set up a coaching programme in your organization with this toolkit packed with practical activities and resources to guide you through each step of the process.
EAN: 9781789662757
Edition: 1
Format: x
376 pages

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About the book

Coaching is a vital skill for every manager, yet effective coaching can be difficult to implement and the importance of this skill is not always recognised by organisations. The Coaching toolkit is divided into units which take you through the whole process of setting up a coaching programme in your organisation, from winning buy-in to the final review and evaluation of the benefits gained.

Packed with activities, tools, handouts and facilitator's notes, Coaching is an ideal resource for HR practitioners and L&D managers, particularly those in smaller organisations. It includes everything need to quickly design and deliver an effective coaching training course and will benefit anyone required to coach as part of their responsibilities

About the Series:
The HR Toolkits provide complete sets of customizable, printable resources to facilitate in-house training and development workshops and strategy design. Supplied as both ring binders and electronic files, and consisting of modules which can be used individually or combined for more extended programmes, the toolkits include ready-made practical exercises, handouts, discussion questions and more to upskill employees.

About the authors

Julia Lampshire has worked as a business psychologist, coach, counsellor, and trainer during her 20-year consulting career. She works with UK organisations in the public and private sector and provides coaching and therapy in her private practice.

Lise Lewis is an executive coach, coach supervisor, trainer and facilitator in the UK. Lise's practice includes working with a range of organisations within financial services, education, arts, media, police, construction consultancy, government and legal services.

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