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General Business Interest Books

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Business Stories   |   Entrepreneurship   |   Innovation  |   Leadership   |   Management   |   Personal Finance   |   Wellbeing at Work

Latest books in General Business Interest

Sally Percy  From £ 14.99  From $ 19.99
Mark Price  From £ 14.99  From $ 19.99
Jordan Morrow  From £ 21.99  From $ 28.99
Roger Spitz  From £ 19.99  From $ 25.99

Latest insights in General Business Interest

Leadership   Explores the different roles that modern leaders must be able to adopt to be successful.
Employee Experience, Wellbeing at Work, Management   Understand why workplace happiness is not only beneficial to the individual employee but also to the organization, and some practical strategies for how to improve employee happiness.
Business Stories, Entrepreneurship   Some of the most innovative, trailblazing businesses are disruptive, and this is the key to their success. Discover what it means to be a disruptor in this article by Sally Percy.

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